Quatrain is a 4 x 4 passive matrix mixer. Here I use it as a sequencer by feeding 4 sequential switches into the inputs and running the output through the Penrose quantiser.
Tag Archives: synth
South Cheshire Synth Society
I set up South Cheshire Synth Society a couple of years ago as a place holder. I’ve brought Little Forest Films onboard (see links below) and we are currently hashing out some ideas that we are hoping to bring to our socials in the next couple of months. We have many plans for this project and are currently bringing a few things together for the projects first steps. More news to follow.
South Cheshire Synth Society – bringing people together with a shared interest in sound in the North West of England.
Albers – Drone synth demo jams
Here is a collection of demos using the Albers drone synth.
Albers/Cadence Jam
This is a short piece using only Albers and Cadence. Connecting them together and patching different elements between the two synths.
Electric Tentacle Charity Prize Draw – Who are Family Focus?
I recently got together with the fellas from Electric Tentacle to hold a charity raffle for Family Focus Staffs. Details on how to enter:- 🎉 Celebrate Electric Tentacle’s 2nd Birthday with a Charity Prize Draw! 🎉 We’re excited to announce a charity prize draw in support of Family Focus Staffordshire, a local charity dedicated to empowering children and young people. All proceeds (minus platform fees) will go directly to them. Filmed by little forest films. https://www.youtube.com/@UCLQLD0KHQ3pv11FCZ1DCr0A Electric Tentacle – https://www.youtube.com/@ElectricTentacle-f6f 🎟️ How to Enter: • Purchase tickets at our events or online – https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/electric-tentacle-prize-draw—family-focus-staffs. • Entry: £5 per ticket. • Online entries close at noon on 30th October. • In-person entries close at 8pm on 31st October. 🎁 Prizes: • Albers Prototype Synthesizer by Decadebridge. • Mini Sequesizer by Division 6. • Matrix Mixer by Decadebridge. • Electric Tentacle Prototype T-shirt (Size L). • EMOMx T-shirt from Guadalajara, Mexico. • Electronic Music Travels 12″ Vinyl LP by Martin Christie. • 5 Decadebridge Goodie Bags (Eurorack cables, stickers, and more). Each prize will be drawn individually, and every entrant will receive a free download code for Decadebridge’s Residue ambient/drone synth software plugin. 📅 Draw Date: • Live at Electric Tentacle on 31st October at 9pm. In this video, hear from Family Focus CEO Natalie Ornelas about their incredible work and how they plan to use the funds raised. Plus, Steve from Decadebridge and Andy Cartridge demonstrate some of the amazing prizes! Join us in supporting this fantastic cause and win some incredible prizes! 🎶 Electric Tentacle is Stoke On Trent’s EMOM (Electronic Music Open Mic) night which happens the last Thursday of the month at Captain’s Bar in Hanley. We aim to provide a friendly, supportive and non-judgmental community where artists can fearlessly showcase their talents. A community hub for creative people in music and other arts, a place where collaboration is born, ideas thrive, other projects sprout, and friendships are made. Whether this will be your first time playing outside of your house, or you are a seasoned pro, you are welcome to come and play for us. https://www.facebook.com/electronictentacle https://www.instagram.com/electric_tentacle/ DecadeBridge local synth maker who kinda donated the Albers drone synth and Matrix Mixer https://www.decadebridge.com Family Focus https://www.familyfocusstaffs.org.uk
Noria – Sequencer/drone synth
Noria has been an ongoing project for a while now. Here is the current revision. Nor is being clocked by Pam’s pro workout. All other elements are being sequenced, triggered and gated by Noria.
Cedr – Saltline legacy plugin demo
Residue – Drone/ambient software synth.
Residue is a 6 oscillator drone/ambient synth that can create a wide range of sounds. The sole focus of Residue is to keep all controls on one page and offer enough to be able to realise a variety of interesting sounds, textures and effects.
The Residue demo is available to download here.
An activation key for Residue can be bought from my Etsy store.
SN – Algorithms.
Some simple sound demos of Sn, standalone, looking at the 7 available FM algorithms, their routing and the range of sounds that can be had.
Sid Rockett – Tempest
If you’re into your affordable indie developer synths then check out Sid Rockett’s creations. Super affordable and characterful and with there own nice style. Sid will be releasing Tempest in September (according to his YT channel) and it will be available from his Etsy store below. If you love to support small, independent developers and create your music with a more unusual setup, go and checkout his work.
https://www.etsy.com/shop/diysynthsandsounds/?etsrc=sdt: Sid Rockett – Tempest